The word Udvartana (Udwarthanam) is composed of two words urdhawa which means upward and vartana means to move. Udvartana ayurvedic powder massage is a panchakarma procedure which involves elevated and upward strokes using powder made of herbs..

Udvartana ayurvedic powder massage involves the application of oils along with a mix of herbal powders which helps in toning and strengthening of the body. The powders used in the treatment are rough in nature and hot in potency and therefore create friction when massaged, open up the pores, removes the blockages in vessels, increases heat inside the tissues and penetrates in to initiate fat burning metabolism.

For the starting the procedure, The patient is asked to void his bowel and bladder and to be calm and concentrate on self. The udvartana powder is taken and warmed in a vessel. The powder is then taken by the therapist in the palm and is applied over the body in seven different positions – sitting, lying on the back, left lateral, lying on the stomach, right lateral. lying on the back and sitting. During the massage, the pressure is applied from below upwards for a specific period of about 30 to 45 minutes. Pressure applied to the patient is according to his or her convenience.

There are two methods of treatment. The first method is to make a paste with water. This paste is applied all over the body and allowed to dry. Once the paste has dried, the remaining powder is rubbed all over the body. The second method involves drying the powder using heat. Heat is applied to the powder kept in an earthen pot. The dried powder is then applied all over the body except the head starting from feet and ending at the neck. The movement of the massage is circular. The effect of the massage is Phenomenal.

Udvartana ayurvedic powder massage has a soothing affect on mind and body. Udvartana ayurvedic powder Massage invigorates body, relieves muscular pain, stimulates blood circulation, relaxes mind, regulates sleep and makes one feel in a healthy state of mind.

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